About Cookies

BailCE.com requires that cookies are enabled in your browser.

To enable/disable the cookies or the alerts in Internet Explorer 6.x on a PC:

Open Internet Explorer
Select the TOOLS menu and then click INTERNET OPTIONS
Select the PRIVACY Tab
Click on the EDIT button. Enter bailCE.com in the "Address of Web Site" field and click on the "Allow" button.
Move the slider up or down depending upon the desired level of security you would like
You may also click the ADVANCED button and select how cookies are handled from the presented options

To enable/disable the cookies or the alerts in Internet Explorer 5.x on a PC:

Open Internet Explorer
Select the TOOLS menu and then click INTERNET OPTIONS
Select the Security Tab then click the button labeled CUSTOM LEVEL
Scroll down to COOKIES and select the desired level of security from the presented options

To enable/disable the cookies or the alerts in Internet Explorer 4.x on a PC:

Open Internet Explorer
Select the VIEW menu and then click INTERNET OPTIONS
Select the ADVANCED Tab
Scroll down to SECURITY and then COOKIES
Select the desired level of security from the presented options

To enable/disable the cookies or the alerts in Netscape 4.x on a PC:

Open Netscape
Select the EDIT menu and then click PREFERENCES
Scroll down to ADVANCED
Select the desired level of cookie acceptance from the COOKIES options

To enable/disable the cookies or the alerts in Internet Explorer 5.x on a MAC:

Click EDIT and select the PREFERENCES option
Under the RECEIVING FILES option, select COOKIES
Next to "When receiving cookies:" select the desired level of cookie acceptance
Click OK to finish

To enable cookies in Firefox (Mozilla) on a PC:

Select the TOOLS menu and then click OPTIONS
Click on the PRIVACY icon
Click on the COOKIES tab. Either check the "Allow sites to set Cookies" box or Click EXCEPTIONS, enter www.bailce.com, Click ALLOW, then Click CLOSE
Click OK

To enable/disable the cookies or the alerts in Netscape 4.x on a MAC:

Open Netscape
Select the EDIT menu and then click PREFERENCES
Scroll down to ADVANCED
Select the desired level of cookie acceptance from the COOKIES options

The following sites provide more information about cookies:




AOL has supplied this information for users who wish to learn how to enable and disable cookies in browsers.

If you are an AOL client using Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, and you receive errors such as this one:

"Your request could not be served because you have browser cookies disabled. Please enable cookies in your browser's settings, close your current web session and try again."

Please launch the Internet Explorer browser on your desktop to make these changes. If you are an AOL user, please minimize AOL and launch Internet Explorer on your desktop.

AOL for Windows 3.1
-Browser does not give you the ability to turn off cookies

Windows AOL for 95/98 with IE 3.x Browser
1. Go to View on the menu bar
2. Pick Options
3. Click the Advanced tab
4. Go down to the Cookies section
5. Click "Warn Before Accept Cookies"
6. Click OK

Windows AOL for 95/98 with IE 4.x Browser
1. Go to View on the menu bar
2. Pick Internet Options
3. Click the Advanced tab
4. Go down to the Cookies section
5. Click "Always Accept Cookies"
6. Click OK

Windows AOL for 95/98 with IE 5.x Browser
IE 5.x Client

1. Go to Tool on the menu bar
2. Pick Internet Options
3. Click the Security tab
4. Go to Internet
5. Click "Custom Level"
6. Find Cookie
7. Click "enable"
8. Click OK

AOL 5.x Client

1. Go to My AOL
2. Pick WWW
3. Click the Security tab
4. Go to Custom Level
5. Find Cookie
6. Click "enable"
7. Click OK

Netscape 3.x Clients
1. Go to Options on the menu bar
2. Pick Network Preferences
3. Click the Languages tab
4. Click the checkbox next to "Enable Java"
6. Click OK

Netscape 4.x Clients
1. Go to Edit on the menu bar
2. Pick Preferences
3. Go to the Advanced option on the Category menu
4. Click the check box next to "Accept All Cookies"
6. Click OK

Mac AOL with IE 4.x Browser
1. Go to My AOL on the menu bar
2. Pick WWW
3. Go to the Advanced Settings option on the Category menu
4. Click "Cookies"
5. When receiving cookies: Click "Never Ask"
6.Click OK

For further instructions on how to change your cookies settings, please use your browser's HELP documentation to make the appropriate changes.


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